
40 miniposts

How to create and push a tag using git

This minipost will guide you through all the required steps to create and push a git tag. Tags are really important in development as they mark specific versions of the developed software project.


How to interpolate a Ruby Symbol

One tricky part in terms of its syntax, is the interpolation of a Ruby Symbol. This minipost aims to demonstrate Ruby Symbol interpolation and also how to add a space between two seperate words on a Ruby symbol declaration.

Ruby on Rails

rbenv: bundle: command not found

When you get the rbenv: bundle: command not found error it is most likely the case that you have installed a new Ruby version and you are trying to run a bundle command inside an existing project directory. For every new Ruby version you install, you also need to install the Bundler gem. This minipost will help understanding the case.


Dokku deployment error: You must use Bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile.

When deploying on a dokku server with herokuish and default buildpacks, If your Ruby on Rails application was bundled with Bundler version 2+, your console might throw the following error You must use Bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile, resulting in deployment failure. This minipost will demonstrate, how to configure a buildpack for a Ruby on Rails project on a dokku server, that can handle Bundler version 2+ and successfully deploy the application.